What in the hell are you talking about, Sukie, "Vets are human and need
to have a full life too (or something to that effect)?" Oh, my word...
how can you possibly say this? This is preposterous. Don't all doctors
of take the hippopotamic oath? It is their *duty* to answer my phone
call at 3am when my ferret coughs shortly after drinking some water
out of their bowl, isn't it? What if my ferret caught some waterborne
disease that veterinary science hasn't figured out yet. Oh yeah, maybe
my fuzzy is just choking a bit on some water, but what if they weren't?
My whole business of ferrets could come down with a new and exotic
disease, and just what would you have me do?

I tell you Sukie, you just going way too far with this "people have a
right to their own life" stuff... We pay vets a lot of money to treat
our fuzzies. Oh, I know... vets spend almost as much money on their
education as human doctors do (without a quarter of the payoff), but
hey... that's beside the point. They knew what they were doing. And
don't tell me about their "compassion" and smarmy "love of all kinds
of life" bullcrap. I pay in cold hard plastic, usually right on time,
so they damn well better take my calls at 3am. "Own life" indeed.

About a month ago my favorite Chinese restaurant closed for a few
days. The reason involved some petty "family medical emergency." What,
couldn't they get some other family member to make my General Tso's
chicken. Don't all oriental people know how to make this stuff anyways?
The point is, when I have a craving for General Tso's chicken, that's
what I want.

So I went there every day on my lunch break, expecting the place to
be open. Oh, I know other Chinese restaurants make the stuff, but
this place really had the best General Tso's chicken (besides, it was
cheap), and I damn well expected them to make it for me. I am a loyal
paying customer, after all. Each day I would stand at the door and wait
for them to open. I figured that they were probably inside hiding. They
*had* to know I was going hungry, but I suspect that they were quietly
laughing at me the whole time. It was a very annoying feeling, and for
a week or two I went hungry on my lunch break. Is this kind of thing
what you want to encourage, Sukie? People going hungry because just
because some oriental cook had a heart attack? I would hope not...

Now, I could have went to my favorite Injun restaurant and had some
of that spicy chicken in the orange sauce, but I have my principles.
Besides, the stuff with the orange sauce doesn't have those tiny red
peppers that I like so much. And anyways, the Injun restaurant informed
me that they were exercising their right to refuse me service, all
because on one occasion I snapped my fingers, pounded my table, and
yelled at "Hadji" to hurry it up with my bread. Apparently "Hadji" was
not his name. I really don't know what their problem was. I still had a
bunch of that orange sauce left and I needed some of that bread to soak
it up. Was that too much to ask? All I know is that I can't go there
now, and *that's* my point. I need to get my General Tso's chicken. And
if my fuzzy momentarily chokes on some water at 3am, I want my damn vet
to reassure me that all is fine with the world. I have that *right*,
don't I? Again, what about the hypodermic oath, huh?

I really think that... oh, hold on -- one of my grandkids is knocking
at the door. Good lord. Doesn't the little bosta know I'm busy here
trying to make my point? Couldn't the little bugger bleed somewhere
else? For Pete's sake, I'm gonna have to get back to you people... I
can't think with all this crying, and the blood is dripping all over
my carpet. Some people, be they big or be they small, think that they
can just cry and drip blood wherever they feel like it. This is just
totally ridiculous... I'll get back to you guys later.

Albuquerque, NM

[Posted in FML 6075]