To My Dear FML Friends,

It has taken the 2 weeks since I've returned from vacation to get the
nerve up to tell all of you that I have indeed been to the Rainbow
Bridge, and have returned to tell you all about.

The Rainbow Bridge stands in all it's glory. It stands tall and
magestically above a deep blue river the likes you have never seen.
It sparkles and shines in the golden sun. I saw many pass in front
of me to get across the Bridge as I stood in wonderment and awe.

It is my gift to you, all of you to tell you that yes, yes, the Rainbow
Bridge is really real. There is never again a reason to have one tiny
feeling of doubt again, because I was there.

So, PSHAWW you say. That girl has flipped, she's not playing with a
full deck. Be doubting tomases, It's ok. I have proof beyond proof
that it exsist, just as I say it does. All you have to do to clear
your doubts away is to click on the attachment, You'll see, then never
again will you doubt me or think that I'm one brick shy of a full load.

With deepest sincerety
Sue Pyron
Fert Mommy of Annie, Scarlett, Boggle and Buddy

[Moderator's note: Trying to get a link from Sue, will repost at that
time. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6075]