Yesterday, a learned person posted:

>You claim the ferret can, to a limited extent, eat like an elephant
>or a horse; and you claim, "Ferrets benefit mightily from vegetables,
>fruits, and some other so-called prohibited food groups, but not in
>the normal cellulose compounded glucose structures of natural plant

Apparently as a result of your foundation's exclusive process of
"Particle Micro-miniaturization and Hyper-thermal Extraction". Which
to me, sounds simply like grinding and cooking the plants.

Omigod! My Ping is He eats bell peppers! Right off of the cutting board
when I'm dicing them if I am not careful. He can smell bell peppers
from across the room and he comes charging! He runs up the soft green
chair, vaults up onto the kitchen island like an Olympic gymnast and
tries to stand on the cutting board. It's really very vexing because I
worry about amputating a paw or something even more vital while I am
dicing. The safest thing to do is to just give him a slice so that he
will take it away in his teeth to munch, wetly, somewhere far from my
kitchen knives.

Now, I don't have ANY IDEA if these bell peppers contain "normal
cellulose compounded glucose structures of natural plant growth" or
if they contain something truly dangerous like, say, *nitrocellulose*,
which as we all know explodes. What if my poor Ping goes to munch his
wet and crunchy little slice of bell pepper and EXPLODES! What if his
sweet, soft little head blows clean off! <<BLAMMO!!!>> And rolls into
some dark corner. All because the cellulose in his Bell pepper did
not contain normal and compounded glucose structures of normal plant

I must look into this "Particle Micro-miniturization and Hyper-thermal
Extraction" RIGHT AWAY!

Alexandra in MA

(Collapsing into a small, frightened heap)

[Posted in FML 6071]