Biting: Sassy
Carpet Digging And Tunneling; Pan
Climbing: Johnny Rotten
Cuddling: Jack
Dancing: Pan 
Dooking: Roxy
Escape Artist: Puck
Exploring: Puck
Fighting: Johnny Rotten
Hiding: Sassy
Hunting: Sassy
Jumping: Puck (for artistic form, not execution -
Kissing: Ringo
Lick Lick Lick Chomp: Sassy
Loving: Ringo
Peeing And Pooping: Puck
Poofing: no competitors
Running: Puck
Sleeping: Ringo
Stashing: Pan
Stealing: Pan
Stink Eye: don't know what this is
Swimming: Sassy
Trouble Making: Puck
Wrestling: Jack

Special Events:

Mouse stealing: Johnny Rotten
Mouse dismembering: Johnny Rotten
Cat wrestling: Roxy 
Food throwing: Puck

Medal count:

Ringo - 3 Gold
Johnny Rotten - 4 Gold
Roxy - 2 Gold
Sassy - 5 Gold
Puck - 7 Gold
Pan - 4 Gold
Jack - 2 Gold

So despite years of mouse thievery it appears Puck ferret has pulled
ahead of Johnny Rotten in the Ferret Olympics. But then, if we awarded
a medal for the number of mouses dismembered this would bring Johnny
Rotten to 9 Gold!

And the "I'm too cute to be naughty award" goes to Jack and Roxy.


[Posted in FML 6069]