Hi Everyone,

I'm having a problem with my youngest (1.5 Yr) "Leela". She is usually
full of energy and very playful but last Tuesday she became lethargic
and even refused her favorite treats. I took her to my vet and they
watched her all day. She was dehydrated so they started antibiotics
and an IV drip

Blood tests were run and only showed elevated (200=-) glucose levels,
this was attributed to stress and indeed came down later in the day..
She would eat a little ferretvite and baby food but it came back up.
She just kept getting worse and yesterday he did an exploratory on
her. He said the outside of her stomach was inflamed and red but the
interior was fine as well and the rest of the abdominal cavity. He took
a bio of the stomach -- no results yet -- and continued the antibiotics
and drip.

This morning she seems quite a bit better but still not her usual self
(PITA). He's considering several items but its proving to be a
difficult diagnosis. Any ideas from the list that would help ?

Matt Claus

[Posted in FML 6051]