Are you headed to Pittsburgh, but discouraged by cost?
Do you want to drive, but often get lost?
Would you like for a friend to travel with you?
Or maybe just someone - or even some-two?

Well, now is your chance to let it be known
That you need a ride-share with Tom, Dick or Joan!
And the trip will be faster and more fun by far
Than if you made it alone - by yourself! - in your car.

Need a ride? Have a car and need passengers? Perhaps there are people
in your area who would like to travel together! Last year three people
and four ferrets traveled from Massachusetts to Oregon and back - and
all survived as friends! It was quite the experience. Sometimes the
journey is as exciting as the destination! Why not find out? It is
eco-friendly, too!

If you would like to travel together with someone, please write
ferret_symposium at yahoo dot com ([log in to unmask]) and
include your name, your location, if you are driving and need riders
or if you are looking for a ride. We will connect all responders with
people in the appropriate area.

Also, IF you want a roomie, you may also write to the same address.
Thank you! Look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!

Join us in Pittsburgh
November 7-9, 2008

International Ferret Congress (
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue and Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)

[Posted in FML 6061]