Okojyo was put to sleep yesterday due to a stomach tumor which was
inoperable. Okojyo was a champagne, beautiful girl who always bit us,
but she was held with welding gloves as a kit - so she thought it was
normal (we adopted her and her sister so they didn't grow up with us).
Her sister, Zip, is already at the bridge and has been there for some
time. Data recently went, and her Frejya is there too. Okojyo would
always lick at the back of my fiance's leg to be picked up for water
from the running tap...she was always carrying off half full jars of
baby food, investigated everything, and protected my guys against any
other ferrets. She was the leader of a group of 10, the "Flower" of
them if you will, and was one of my oldest personals. No matter what
was going on, she had to see what it was. She also "snored" and had a
very cute whistle when she slept that I got on video once. She never
passed up an opportunity to sink her teeth into me or anyone else
unless she was "too busy", which hurt more when she broke a canine
and had to have it removed...leaving her with one very viable, sharp
canine. Her and her sister used to chase me into the corner when I
first got her (Zip) and start to attack me. Zip mellowed out after a
couple of years, but Okojyo never did, but you could still hold her.
She loved being held and carried around. She will be sorely missed.

Could I get a heads-up on Data, Zip, and Frejya on how they are doing?
Are they hanging out with Angel and Mr. Peepers at all (they were
rescues who lived here)? Data loved dancing and playing with his
friends so much. And treats! Zip and Frejya are going to be very, very
excited about Okojyo. They were all "girlfriends" and took after each

Thank you so much,


[Posted in FML 6058]