On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Mark Sonder, CSEP wrote:
>Blizzard was helped across the Rainbow Bridge at approximately
>5:45am this morning.

Mark -

After talking to Roxanne about these natural phenomena, my conclusion
is that you had visitations from Blizzy to comfort you in your grief.
Butterflies symbolize metamorphis and the hummingbird represents the
Peruvian symbol of shamanism, according to Bob, our friend with a Ph.D.
in psychology and now a certified Shaman who just returned from a
journey to Peru w/ the descendents of the Lica (proununced "lika")
people of the mountains.

As Blizzards GodMother, I too will write a eulogy to commemmorate this
beautiful being who changed our lives and was the best embassador for
ferrets as was his dediated Father and loving Mother.

Love you both. xo xo

[Posted in FML 6057]