:::Tonks and Mz. Issy are whiling the afternoon away, swaying in their

Tonks, yanno the book that has Big Daddy wearing a loin cloth?

Oh good grief Is, if I have to hear one more word about Travis wearing
a loin cloth I am going to pull all the hair out of my tail. What's the
big deal, I wear a Speedo and I don't see anyone getting their knickers
in a knot about that. And my speedos are a really cool green too!!! So
no more!!!! ::stomping paw:::

But Tonksie :::batting eyes::: you didn't let me finish what I was
trying to say. Do you remember Aunty Alicia at Ferretwise?

Oh yeah, I remember her. She gives awesome hugs. and she has treats
too. Is she wearing a loin cloth in the book too?

:::::smacking Tonks on the back of his head::::
NO!!!!! Sheeesh Tonks, I don't know where you get these ideas
sometimes. Anyway, what I was TRYING to say is, Mommy and Big Daddy
sent one of the loin cloth books (Shadow Bear) to Aunty Alicia to
raffle, to help with expenses at Ferretwise. They are having some
troubles and could use our help BIG TIME. Big Daddy even signed it.
Sigh... I love Big Daddy.

So tell me more about the raffle Issy.
Well tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased either by Paypal
( [log in to unmask] )
or by snail mail (check-money order) payable to
Ferret Wise, PO Box 561, Marlborough, NH 03455.

Raffle ends August 29th. I hope people don't miss out on this way cool
book. And they get to help Aunty Alicia too!

I like this idea Issy, But I have a question? When did Travis become
Big Daddy?

Oh Tonksie, Travis has always been my Big Daddy!
:::paws over mouth giggling:::
Super Tonks & Mz. Isabella Gucci Jones

[Posted in FML 6056]