Hi all,

I am hoping for some advice. I've been a ferret owner for a decade
and have seen the gamut of ferret illnesses except insulinoma, until
now with Luci. She's been on preg. the last year and a half, and she
had surgery on Monday. Since then it's been a rollercoaster. She was
feeding from syringe liquid food (ensure and A/D and ferretone) the
day of surgery and a bit on Tue morning (Day 1). Then she refused
food for her 1pm feeding, and by the time 6pm rolled around, she was
non-responsive, panting, extremely hot (paws bright red). We put her
on cold towels with a fan on her, and decided to admit her to ICU.

While driving to ICU, her temp stabilized (now her paws are light-pink,
normal color). We took her to ICU, her blood sugar was 23 mg/dl I
think, and temp was 95 (low). She stabilized with IV dextrose, they
kept her overnight with IV. They feed her once at midnight and
apparently forgot about her until morning (who knows).

They called this morning and said she was crashing again, very
lethergic, temp spike to 105, low blood glucose (40 mg/dl, what it's
been for past year and a half). Turns out they weren't feeding her
but apparently she had the IV in the whole night. She's still in ICU.

At this point we need to make a hard decision to put her down or hope
she stabilizes. The vets are absolutely useless, they have no ideas.
Her main vet, it turns out, only works 4 days a week, off Wed (today).
Nobody can reach him.

We're moving in three weeks, 18 hour trip over two days. I'm not sure
she can handle the move. I know she can't in the current situation.

Anyway have any advice on insulinoma post-op? Usually after adrenal
surgery they aren't happen but able to feed and recover. This time, I
just don't know if she's going to make it. We're now 48 hours postop,
and she's still crashing. She is 4 years old by the way.

Thanks for any advice.

Robert Dejournett, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow
Brain Tumor Center, Depts. of Neurosurgery and Neuro-Oncology
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center  Room S5.8136
1515 Holcombe, Box 1004  Houston, TX  77030  (713) 834-6211

Blog: http://gibbie.powerblogs.com

[Posted in FML 6055]