We got a ferret fix of sorts last week when we visited a lady near
Libby who takes in ferrets. She says that usually the vet will call
her when someone brings in a ferrets. This doesn't happen often. She
has six, just lost one that was 9 years old. All are healthy, have
good coats, were easy to hold. There was no ferret odor that I could
smell although she lives in a trailer, not very big.

They get play time twice a day, morning and evening. She covers their
cages when they are not out to play and she has had only one adrenal
ferret in several years (!). She says that that one grew hair and
swelling went down after arrival. She had been told that she would have
to go to the University of Washington Vet School for surgery so it's
fortunate that the ferret went into remission. We will have to do some
searching for a good vet within driving distance. It may be that the
Idaho group or the rescue in Kalispell will know of one.

She feeds four ferret foods including Totally Ferret. We suggested
wood stove pellets for litter as she was using the clumping kind. The
pellets are really cheap here, but then we have LOTS of trees. The
local pet store will order a ferret for a customer, one at a time,
usually from a distributor who sells babies from local or Canadian
breeders. She has rarely seen a Marshall ferret and was horrified when
we told her that they breed more for research than for pets.

All in all I was happy to see that the ferrets here have such a good
friend. I had been hesitating to visit her because I didn't know what
I would find. She is very attached to them, and she understands ferret
math and our common addiction.


[Posted in FML 6055]