The following book explains how to train your ferret to walk on a
leash: "Training Your Pet Ferret" by Gerry Bucsis & Barbara Somerville.
You can order it from The American Ferret Association (AFA) and a
percentage of the purchase price will be paid to the AFA.

I live in Ottawa, Eastern Ontario, Canada and have been walking our
ferrets every summer since 1993. I never had a problem with fleas.
Our ferrets do get ticks on a regular basis. I walk them in a place
with long and short grass. During each outing, they go in a tunnel
(not a burrow) that was started by our first ferret and completed by
a groundhog or wild rabbit.

Lorraine and our companions: Pitchou, Boulette (little ball) and Jello

[Posted in FML 6034]