Last year the ferret community was introduced to Joel Vanderbush,
who presented at the Portland Symposium and was a source of great
inspiration and entertainment at the dinner and auction. It is,
therefore, with great pleasure that I introduce to you the other half
of Animalia (, his lovely wife, Ailigh. Many
of you may have met her in Portland, or you may have read her posts
in Ferrets magazine, where she serves as the behavioral consultant and
answers your questions about your critters

Ailigh and Joel met during a zoo visit on Groundhog Day (February 2,
2001) and, as Joel remembers it, it was love at first whiff. "I had
worked with ferrets in Zoo education programs for 10 years. One day at
the Indianapolis Zoo, a woman entered my office and she smelled like
ferrets. Like the sweet smell of ambrosia, I was hooked. About a year
later, I married that ferret smelling woman." Ailigh also counts this
meeting as one of her most memorable experiences. "He tells me I smell
like ferrets (match made in heaven)" she said, and continues, "We were
married in 2002 and our own family has grown since to a current 58
animals" including 17 ferrets! This is a bit up from the six British
ferrets she brought with her from the UK.

Originally a reptile owner, Aliligh was drawn to the furry little
critters we love. "I had always thought about ferrets since the movie
Beastmaster and when the opportunity came to add a ferret to my life, I
took it. I already had an iguana, so something furry seemed like a good
idea. From that point, I was hooked." Same story we all share! Ailigh's
first ferret came from the RSPCA in England. "I brought him home, Cat
was his name, and he was a feisty biter so I decided to get him a
playmate, Mouse. Then ferret math took over and now we have 17."

As an animal behaviorist, Ailigh has the opportunity to work with
animals daily. One ferret, Jerry, would probably be a sure bet on
America's Got Talent. "My ferret Jerry ... was so well trained. He
could stand up, turn around, and heel!" Other than ferrets, Ailigh and
Joel have had several memorable moments. For example, "Coming face to
face with a wolf at Wolf Park or possibly safari in Africa when we
spotted a very rare leopard," said Ailigh. Joel, however, remembers,
"That would either be when a reindeer nearly disemboweled me or when
a rhinoceros nearly bit my finger off."

These two spend most of their time with their business, Ailigh says.
"I clean animals, speak to the public about responsible animal care,
and work on my masters in animal behavior. If I have any extra time
left over I love to read science fiction and try out new things to
train, like scent discrimination for rats, etc." Joel and Ailigh are
still renovating their house and taking care of the animals. In the
days before they became so domesticated, Joel also was a character.
No, really! Just ask him about being a stage performer in shows like
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Pirates of Penzance

Given 24 hours with anyone Ailigh would choose science fiction author
Robert Heinlein. "He was a master writer and had an uncanny ability to
figure out what would happen and then write about it." Joel's choice
would be Jane Goodall. Having met her, he says that "to spend some
time with someone who has really used her passion for animals and
through her efforts has literally changed the lives of millions of
people - that is what makes not only a role model, but also a hero."

Ailigh's taste leans toward Richard Bach, however, citing her favorite
books as Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions. Both Ailigh and
Joel love the movie "Beastmaster," but their taste in music is a bit
diverse. Ailigh prefers Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, The Ramones, Runrig,
and musicals, while Joel likes to listen to Big Band and Swing. He has
operated a DJ company for the past 17 years.

This couple is quite a duo. Ailigh says, "I don't necessarily have a
hero, but I admire and respect anyone who follows their passion and
puts the needs of others before themselves." And she is one of those
people. Ailigh would like to be remembered "as someone who worked hard
to make a difference in herself and those that she met." Joel would
like to be remembered as "A man of passion and action that didn't just
care about animals, the environment, and education, but actually did
something about it." These two young people have already made a
difference in their world.

"ANIMALIA is dedicated to promoting education, responsibility and
conservation of animals and the environment in which they live. In
doing so, ANIMALIA conducts education outreach programs, animal
behavior consultation and training and offers a full range of
professional consultation services. The broad experience of the staff
of ANIMALIA includes service as professional educators, consultants,
writers, artist, and zookeeper."

ANIMALIA can be reached at [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask],
through their website at or by calling (317) 695-5464.

Ailigh will be presenting at the 2008 Portland Symposium. And, please
welcome your moderator, Joel!

Renee Downs
"Eventually we will realize that if we destroy the ecosystem we
 destroy ourselves." Jonas Salk
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." Amelia Earhart
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets
the credit!
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
[log in to unmask]
International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 6020]