Black-Tailed Prairie Dog!
(Cynomys ludovicianus)

The loss of open prairie has dramatically reduced the prairie dog
population. Since the arrival of European settlers, North America's
prairie dog population has plummeted by 98 percent. Prairie dogs have
been exterminated because of the perceived competition with grazing
cattle and bison for grasses. New studies indicate that prairie dogs do
not drastically affect the amount of vegetation available for cattle.

Prairie dogs are also struggling against an inadvertently introduced
disease called the sylvatic plague. This infection is caused by a
bacterium transmitted by fleas. People concerned about the black-tailed
prairie dog's survival are pushing to have the species listed as
threatened on the U.S. Endangered Species List. The Mexican prairie
dog (Cynomys mexicanus) has already been listed.

[Above two paragraphs abstracted from:                        BIG]

The Sylvatic Plague being suffered, by the Blackfoot FerretCommunities
is the same one, which devastated the Prairie Dog Communities, in the
1980's and/or the 1990's. Very little, if anything, was done, by the
Western State and Federal Governments, until it spread into the Native
American Tribes. Than, the CDC denied it was a Plague, until Native
Americans started dieing. By the time the Western State and Federal
Governments became involved, it was Almost Too Little Too Late.

Owned By Charity And Lucia!
Ferrets Rule My World!
Every Ferret Has A Song And Dance!

[Posted in FML 6039]