I've been asked again keep people updated. The results of the surgeries
i had this year are good, and the pressure in the eye that was done
first has gone down still a little more. No need to ask any more about
those. The abdominal problem is fixed, and my eyes will be checked
again later this year. Thank goodness that Macs are as eye friendly
as they are though I'd like some more changes on that regard and
would love it if all PDFs, websites, and Google's book search allowed
enlargement, and if places stopped using light color print and small
fonts especially for website controls.

The work related to Dad's will is daunting, but his time with dementia
and repeated illnesses was more stressful. 93 was a bit too old for
him, I'm afraid.

I've sent off the 25 pounds of old photos he had, his scrapbook, etc.
to my sister and her daughter. Something i never knew was that when
he was stationed on Okinawa he got a wonderful photo of the Japanese
delegation changing planes on it's way to sign the treaty at the end of
WWII. Dad had been exempt from service because he provided essential
war support as a watchmaker with Arma but he volunteered.

Steve remains such wonderful support. I'll tell you, I really hit the
jackpot 29 and 1/2 years ago when I got up my courage and asked out the
nerd in the dorm room next door to me. (We were both adults living in a
dorm quad for international students, grad students, and adult students
at Stony Brook, and lived there for a short while after we wed before
moving to married student housing near the hospital.) I knew that
waiting can lead to finding just the right person but I sure thought
that it would take longer than it did, probably because an aunt didn't
find the right person till she was 40 and he was 50 but then they had
about 45 great years together.

The ferrets are marvelous, too. Whizbang isn't a good surgical candidate
so she had a Lupron shot. She is starting to get used to going there so
I think that maybe in the future she will show off what we do with her
belly. She loves to have her belly kissed and even more loved belly
raspberries and when I ask is wants me to "blurp" her (raspberry) she
will do a big backbend in my hands presenting her belly.

Pivot is playing the piano, too, now, so it isn't just Telemna playing
it. Piv isn't as good, though may be over time... Recently Telemna has
developed a crush on the singing of Emmy Lou Harris and tries to play
along like she does when she hears Liza Minnelli sing. Telemna does NOT
like being filmed, though, so we've never captured anything which is
better than the one piano piece of hers on YouTube, though she finally
let a houseguest and the washer repair man hear her play so she is less
shy about it now. So far Pivot's playing has been too sporadic to even
try filming her. Pivot and Mornie are still not fully accepting each
other, but luckily the fights and poofs are way down and not serious.
Besides, Pivot (bred by Danee DeVore) can jump (sideways, even) over
two ferrets next to each other so Morney is now outclassed in some
forms of athleticism.

Mornie decided this morning during a time outside their room to
create a bed for herself in the middle of the dining room table with
placemats. Very cute and she apparently felt it was worth the climb.
She has roaned on her tail and her rear end but the rest of her except
her white patches remains dark so she looks a tad strange in terms of
fur coloring, and she injured a hip (not seriously) which took about
2 weeks to heal because she kept re-injuring it leading to her having
some resting time of her own long-term till 3 days ago so she finally
seems to have decided to stop the more athletic of her climbing and
shoving activities. She is the one who liked to jump up from the table
till she could catch the hanging candelabra in hands and play flying
trapeze on it. She was also a consistent barrier defeater despite being

Hubble remains an incredible cuddler. He also likes to fall asleep in
my arms and begins drooling the minute he crashes. Hub likes silky and
satiny feeling fabrics, so if I am in a night gown or shirt with that
sort of feel and say "nightgown" while kneeling down to look for him
under the trunk he will slide out and climb down my bodice.

Hilbert has been protecting me a lot recently since a few pollens have
set off my asthma. I have to be very careful when i am in the Balans
chair because he will have his tail or sometimes a foot in a bad place
while he monitors me.

Okay, now due to requests from my sister and a cousin I need to get
back to going through some old papers related to family history and
websites that give a feeling and lend depth. After finding their
marriage certificate I've been reading about where Amelia Fothergill
and Robert Graves were wed in 1844 and where she lived (Fleet Street)
which has me looking at the history of then and before for that area
and sharing with relatives:

The Church where they wed has a history involving many writers,
publishing, and Ben Franklin, as well as being the inspiration for
tiered wedding cakes:

Oates was pilloried around there earlier but it is fascinating history
about what extents some people will go without just cause:

News of Fleet Street at the time:

and a lot of earlier history was in:

It's a welcome change from all of the work associated with the will. I
want to also learn more about Hoo at that time whenever i finally get
the chance.

Anyway, thanks to those who gave me the excuse to take a break!
Normally, I'm so busy these days that I'd just have hit "delete" but
today it really does help to take a break. Please, stop worrying and
I sent this publicly so let the others know if they don't spot this
that they can stop, too, okay? I'm fine.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6038]