Roscoe, the older ferret I found in my backyard 1 yr. ago, has crossed
the Rainbow Bridge. I believe that he was abandoned because of his poor
health. He had insulinoma, which I got under control with prednisolone,
but recently started having very severe hind weakness, with fever that
went up to 105. An ultrasound showed enlarged suspicious spleen. After
a day of strong antibiotics and subq fluids, his temp went down to
normal, but his respirations/pulse stayed high. He still could not
walk, and was frustrated trying to. I considered splenectomy, but the
vet suspected that there was involvement with his heart also. He was
uncomfortable, and I had to make the very difficult decision to say
goodbye to Roscoe and let him go gently, and with dignity.

I never had a ferret before ( I am 57) but this little guy surely
worked his way into my heart. I know that in his last year of life,
that he sensed that this was his forever home, and that he was very
much loved. I am surely missing him. Bridge greeters, please welcome
him to his new home.........and let him know that I will be with him
again, one day.


[Posted in FML 6035]