Peanut's mask and other dark markings are clearly in evidence now.
Here he is smiling, er, sleeping, for the camera:

The lid of the nest box has been put on in a different orientation
recently. I've seen this happen in previous years when watching the
web cam. There are no nefarious reasons, just chance!

We can expect his eyes to open at 4-5 weeks old, just like a domestic
kit. Oh and won't Georgia have her paws full then! He'll be 4 weeks
old on Friday.

I don't know what they feed them at the National Zoo, but at some of
the other breeding facilities they mostly get a mix of ground horse
meat with added nutrients. In Colorado at least, they also get hamster
snacks and killed prairie dog when available.

We have raised $609 so far, to be split between BFF research at the
Zoo and Travis's work. Eighteen people have donated amounts from $10
to $100 (though some has been from non-ferrety sources). I'll continue
to take donations until next Monday, then send checks. If more comes
in later, I'll send another set of checks.

You can send a donation via paypal to
[log in to unmask] or check to the
IFC, c/o Linda Iroff, 46180 Butternut Ridge Road, Oberlin OH 44074.
Note that it's for Peanut!

Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress

[Posted in FML 6031]