Daddy & Mommy,

I made certain that even before I arrived to greet Rascal, that I had
Katman, Lil Bit and Freebie right there along side me. I could hear
Katman and Lil Bit talking like mad, telling Freebie all about her.
They were telling Freebie, "Your gonna love her, she's sweet and fun
and beautiful and everyone that meets her loves her, and so will you!"

So as we stood there, waiting for this beautiful and sweet and lovely
lady to arrive, we all started looking at one and another, one could
say it was kind of in nervous anticipation I guess. I did it because I
thought that it looked to me like Katman had this bedhair-mohawk thing
going on, so I wet my paw and slicked it down, he looked at me like I
nuts, and asked me why I did that so I told him, "You said she was
beautiful and I thought, if she is, shouldn't we all look our best?"

He then turned and asked Lil Bit if he looked all right, and Bit had to
admit, that with the mohawk smoothed out, that he looked rather dapper
and then we all begun to take a real serious look at one another,
because after all, we wanted to impress this lovely lady, so we began
helping one and another look our very best.

Next thing I know I hear this slight but lyrical laughter, and so did
Freebie and then we all turned around and looked and there she was,
laughing and pointing at us all.

"You silly ferrets!, what do you think you are all doing?"

How does one answer that question without looking like a goofy boy

I'm lucky, because none of us got a chance to answer, which was fine
by me, because Lil Bit and Katman ran to her and began hugging her and
telling her how happy they were to see her, and then they were off
making introductions to Freebie and it was really a wonderful sight to
see. So I waited, and when all the introductions and hugs and fuzzy
kisses had been made Rascal came over and asked me if I could send
along a message to everyone, and she wanted me to make sure that
everyone was listed, so here goes - Mommy and Daddy and Sugar, Mocha,
Allie, Bama, Bandit, Kat & Dog, Dixie and especially Wolfy...... I love
you, and one day, when it is time, God told me I will get a chance to
see all of you again. I had a good home and the best fuzzie parents and
brothers and sisters and no one could ask for anymore!!!

I will make certain that she knows where the "Viewing Pool" is, and
that she has every opportunity to be able to check in on all of you and
I know that Freebie, Lil Bit and Katman will always be here for her,
and from me, to you all, from another whose voice speaks in the words
of magic, I changed "she" to Rascal, and I am certain that if Lord
Byron had a chance to see her, he would agree ... this poem fits her

Rascal walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meets in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress
Or softly lightens o'er her face,
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek and o'er that brow
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,--
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent.

In Love & In Comfort,
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 6029]