I'm exhausted to the point of true exhaustion, but I think things are
going well. I will finish at the museum late Friday, spend the night
in Edinburgh, and head towards Manchester sometime Saturday. That is,
unless I can convince myself to take a single day off and actually
spend some time LOOKING at Scotland, rather than working on the Ferret
Project. Not that the 'outside' is much different than a dark, dank
room; it has been drizzling or raining most of the time I've been here.
I think there has a half-day of sunshine during the week, but I was
measuring bones and missed it.

I discovered I have a slight problem initiating Phase IV of the Ferret
Project. Remember several months ago when I was in New Zealand and I
lost my hard drive (The "Great Hard Drive Death of 2008," worse even
than the "Great Red T-Shirt in the White Socks and Underwear Incident
of 2008," a day of infamy, shame, and splotchy pink tightie whities).
Well, during my efforts to start emailing people to tell them I am
finally on my way, I realized my contacts file is history.

I can recover a lot of it from my old mail files, but that will take a
huge amount of time reading through old emails while spending time on
the internet. Could all my European friends do me a great big favor and
email me as soon as possible, reminding me of your contact information?
It would save me a day's worth of work, much better spent on a day
working, or even a day off (I'm not complaining; I had a day off 2
weeks ago). I would appreciate it greatly!! If some of you FMLers were
intermediaries and helped make contacts for me, could you help again
as well?

I want to get through the rest of this trip as fast as I can because I
need to sleep for at least a week. Seriously, I have to take some time
off and do absolutely nothing for a few days, not even talk to people.
I have a French museum I have to visit, but I am not sure how long that
will take (Edinburgh took 2 weeks and I could spend another month or
longer). That collection is my priority, then I will dash off on the
"Great Train Ride of 2008," visiting the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden,
Norway, Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and finally, Italy. The
order is not really important, but I would like to keep overnight
trains to as few as possible. This part is only DNA and husbandry
collection, so it should go fast, especially if locals pitch in to
help with the DNA work.

Anyway, please resend your contact information. It would help me

Thanks a bunch!

Bob C [log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 6028]