I just wanted to let you all know that PETCO and MF have cut their ties
in regards to kits. I was at my local PETCO yesterday and was told by
the manager that MF will no longer be providing kits to PETCO. Instead
they'll be getting their kits from some as yet unknown breeder in

There were both MF babies which hadn't been sold yet and some of the
new Canadian kits, in that disgusting aquarium-like enclosure that all
PETCO ferts are housed in. The new babies are absolutely adorable with
more rounder faces than their American counterparts. One of the new
ones kept sneezing like he had a cold when I was holding him (I hope
the other fuzzies haven't gotten sick). An employee told me that this
sick little boy will be taken to the vet. I really hope that's true.

I was told that the new babies will still be fed MF food. I wonder why?

[Posted in FML 6026]