MSU uses ferrets in their laboratories. They buy lab animals from
resellers, who get them from the Ingham County Animal shelter. Ferrets
at the shelter are only $10 to anyone who wants to buy them, reseller
or not. The other animals are discounted, I am not sure if ferrets have
a discount from the $10 for the resellers.

Was your local shelter Ingham County Animal Control?

Also - are you the new Lansing ferret rescue? Someone keeps telling me
there is one - I would love to know if you are. I used to run the last
one, and I still get calls from time to time.'s true, Preuss does not sell babies, they like to let
theirs grow up almost before they are sold. This is a huge stretch,
but - I've worked in labs and seen workers take home animals....

Lansing does have a lot of kooky ferret people, and lots of backyard
breeders, and when I moved out the rescue I had to screen out a LOT of
people who just wanted ferrets, and weren't very talkative, and seemed
like they just wanted any ferret, acting like they were something you
could just come and pick questions asked...certainly got a LOT
of calls like that. Hopefully it's not something like that. The only
other place in Lansing you will see unmarked babies is the Wolverton,
but I think they have both marshall and non-marshall there. They are a
facility that does not get medical care for the baby ferrets when they
are sick, something that strained my relationship with a friend at the
time who worked there, who told me too many times a sick one needed
help, and I told her I would take it and get it treatment and she just
would say "we'll take care of it" and then of course, it dies...*rolls

Good luck and I hope your little one makes it! What a lucky little


[Posted in FML 6015]