April Pietroiacovo net writes:

>I am desperately seeking your Super help! Here is my problem:
>While I was in South Dakota someone sent me a tin of wonderful
>Chocolate to the Totally Ferret office. MR. KIBBLE just could wait for
>me to get back to the office on Tuesday for a bite so he opened the box
>and lost the card on who it said it was from. I am hoping with your
>Super Duper Powers you can find the really nice person so I can thank
>them for the goodies!

In a whirl of green and white, our super hero heads in for a perfect
10 point landing. PLOP............skiiiiiiid!!!!
 HEY!, who moved the landing pad? FOREST!!!!!

Hi Ms.April, but of course I will help you. I learned early the
importance of keeping my mother-in-law happy.

Now let me get this straight. Some really kind person sent you a box
of chocolates. And Mr. Kibble lost the card sneaking a piece of candy.
Did you make sure they weren't from Mr. Travis? No? Okay this is what
I will do.

::::opening up super hero storage trunk:: here it is!
::grabbing bullhorn::::

ATTENTION PLEASE! Whoever sent April Bigolname a box of candy, please
contact me. Ms. April is beside herself that she can't thank you for
your kindness. Psst, If you email my mom at [log in to unmask]
and tell her, I will send you a present.

Super Hero Extrodinaire 

[Posted in FML 6014]