I suspect that Barb Clay would not ask for help but apparently Rocky's
suffered the loss of several tents and some equiptment the night after
Ferretstock. A micro burst took things out of the yard and put them up
into trees, neighbor's yards, etc. This is the sort of loss that can
wipe out any funds made at an event, such as Ferretstock, intended to
support the shelter. If any of us want to help we can do so by visiting
Rocky's web site and using PayPal, or by mailing checks to Rocky's
Ferret Rescue and Shelter, 832C Falls Rd., Parkton, MD 21120.

I know that most of us who shelter need help now and again. I also know
that most of us try not to have to ask for it. This is an opportunity
to do something for someone who rarely, if ever, asks but who can
certainly use a hand at this point.

Bobbi McC
KC Ferret Hotline and Shelter

[Posted in FML 6013]