Gordon, you may be dealing with a mink, and not a fertie.

Ferrets will usually approach a human--minks do NOT!! They usually
run, & avoid humans. They're mean, if cornered.

Minks usually are of solid color--no creamy undercoat, no mask. Just
solid black or brown--sometimes with a white spot just under the chin.

They usually hang around water--they love the water!

A couple years ago, we were called to a birthday party to rescue a
"ferret" who had fallen into a window well, & was trapped. He was jet
black, and absolutely beautiful--but he was a mink, not a ferret!! Good
thing the 10 year olds at the pool party hadn't reached down into that
window well to try & pet him, or he'd have shredded their arms!! LOL.

We called animal control for assistance (they have a loop). He was
quickly captured, and released down by the river, in his own territory.
What a cutie he was----about the size of a 16 week old ferret---but
already hissing & poofing, & showing teeth!!!

We were called to rescue an injured "ferret" in someone's barn, a few
years back, too. The farmer's wife said its leg appeared injured. There
was blood, and the animal was VERY defensive & aggressive!! HISSING at
her!!! She said "He must be hurt very badly, because he won't let me
come NEAR him!" I asked her some questions, and all the answers pointed
at mink, not ferret. Our suspicions were confirmed. USUALLY--a
ferret--even if it is injured, will seek out a human for help. A wild
mink wants you to STAY AWAY!!!! If you corner it, it will HURT you!!!

When I began this email, I planned to send it to you, off list.
However, maybe I should post it. This time of year, any ferret lover
could come upon a loose "ferret" that might not really BE a ferret!
Just be careful.


[Posted in FML 6012]