>From:    Staci <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Kevin, Bob & World Travellers post
>For all of you who proceeded to bash Kevin, SHAME ON YOU ALL!!
>Read his post from the FML yesterday (by the time this shows) and now
>make an apology TO HIM!!
>Conclusions have been jumped to on all sides. No one at anytime bashed
>Bob C. I am sorry if he felt that way. Bob does amazing and much
>needed work & studies for our little pals and that is in no way to
>be bashed.
>The point was Lori was begging for money to help get her out of debt
>just a few months ago, and now she shows up in Australia.
>I am glad Bob posted that there was a gentleman who paid for Lori to
>go. Glad she did not have to spend a dime and maybe get some stress
>relief. (This is NOT BEING SARCASTIC But being said in a serious way.
>I know I have been a big meanie to Lori but in this I am serious!!)


>From:    Nell Angelo <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Criticism/attacks/etc
>With Kevin's post, I recognized a certain style I sometimes share --
>it seemed a nice sweet positive post. When I read the post again
>after the first critical reactions to it, I was a little uncertain,
>but still thought it was just a matter of style.
>I wish I had the words to really describe how that style works --
>at least in me. Maybe the tang comes from a layer in there of self
>deprecation, w a need to hold back in general, w a wish for better
>things that are frustratingly/tantalizingly out of reach, w an
>outward flowing of good wishes for others?


>From:    Vicki Montgomery <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: WOW and the beat goes on
>I did not read Kevin's post as sarcasm and like Bill I had to read
>it a second time to make sure I put a sarcastic slant on his words.
>Kevin now has responded and said that he's sorry his post caused such
>an uproar and was uncatagorically misunderstood. Even if he meant his
>words harshly, which he says he didn't, an apology is an apology...
>maybe we can put away the bar-be-ques and pitchforks, stow the tar
>and feathers and forgive him this time.

So much charitable and marvelous common sense in one day! I wonder if
I will overload! (LOL! No, that isn't sarcasm though I guess it could
be misread that way; it's a friendly tease mixed with real thanks to
people after feeling real appreciation. I have been sitting here with a
big grin on my face caused by how much i enjoyed these posts and seeing
that the principals worked it out between themselves. They made the
rest of it all worthwhile for me and I hope that all feel better now,
esp. Kevin who got bashed the most by others.)  There is no where near
as much arguing on the FML as there have been at times in the past and
I think that is partly because a number of people have been here a
long time and know ways to avoid it as well as knowing that ultimately
ignoring those things that do rub the wrong way works best. Suggestions
have abounded but ultimately it just usually boils down mostly to more
people becoming used to the nuances and shortfalls of email and of
humans and reassuring others while not working each other up (including
off-list) with assumptions or rumors. If we were perfect we'd all be
ferrets! (Just ask the ferrets to confirm that.)

Sukie (not a vet)

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[Posted in FML 5989]