So I spent most of yesterday glued to the laptop watching the new BFFB.
He is quite a lively little fellow! I have taken to calling him
"Peanut". He is round on both ends and thin in the middle, lol. When me
and my husband got up this morning, I told him I needed to log on and
check on little Peanut's progress and see if any more babies had joined
him. He likes to crawl all over the place, and I don't think Mom gets
much sleep. I got a little worried the first time I saw her grab him by
the head, but I guess that is just her way. She keeps trying to cuddle
him tight and keep him curled up with her. That lasts about five
minutes...then you see that little peanut head pop up over her shoulder
again! How lucky we are to be able to watch this little miracle!

Jill and the Paws to the Wall Gang

[Posted in FML 6009]