First it was Bailey,..

Earlier today we had to put to sleep our 10 yr old ferret "Cootem".
Several years ago a ferret Cutie was given to a vet hospital and the
previous owners said we are moving and caannot take him with them "just
put him to sleep" was their comment. The secretary informed then that
they didn't do "Convienice" kills. I got a phone call, my car was
running badly and it was dangerous for me to be driving it, but I knew
of a baby that needed a home, when i saw him he was naked except for
his head. It appears he had fleas and seeing as the vets were reg vets
and not ferret vets. The shaved him to rid him of the fleas.

He about 2 years ago, blind and old we figured he earned the right to
be out 24/7 no more cage for Cootem. He was on 3 different medications
and was to the point of coming out of where he was sleeping and going
potty on the floor, but we were ok we'll clean it... Our little man
would have pee on his tummy to be wiped off by using baby wipes or a
trip to the sink for a bath.. Which he loved.

He had a bad fang and we couldn't have it taken out due to his age, he
wouldn't of made it thru.. He was adrenal and was loosing his hair..but
we loved our Cootem, our little man. Thrsday he wouldn't eat his A/D
for my husband,, Last night he ate a small amout for me, then i tried
every few hours and nope.. It was them i noticed his one blind eye
looked infected.. So I'm assuming it went from a bad tooth to his eye.

Please understand He was still eating ,walking around,licking up his
ferretone off his tummy. So we didn't think his tooth was THAT bad.
Anyway he just laid there hubby and i took him to the vet and at
approx 11:15 our little man went to sleep.. Where now he can see and
is running and playing..

I wish it got easier everytime one passes but you remember all the
cute things that baby used to do..

I still havent been able to get back to, all the wonderful ppl who
wrote me about Bailey...and now Cutie aka Cootem.

He was bald when we got him and was almost as bald when we let him go..
We loved our little man.

Cootems mommy...

[Posted in FML 6008]