I have a ferret that injured the roof of his mouth. We aren't sure if
it was from eating dog food, or just what. He is currently at the vet
and there is an issue with anemia and clotting. They are transfusing
him and running a few more tests today. They are very concerned because
his blood protein came back high. (10 or so?) and they feel that could
indicate an auto immune disorder or cancer. Right now they are looking
at using silver nitrate to try to stop the bleeding in his mouth, it
won't clot and just keeps seeping. They are preping him for a
transfusion (thank you local Reno person who has 12 ferrets currently
with my vet, Dexter thanks you too.) and she is sending another test
out to see if they can tell her just what is going on. I didn't get
the name of the test, just that in 5% of cases it can show a false
positive/negative. There was so much information in the phone call, I
am afraid I didn't absorb it all. His platelet count is way down and
something else as well. This just barely happened, I wasn't as if I
waited at all. I found him with dried blood and once we cleaned him up
we couldn't find the source, then we looked in his mouth and it was
full of blood. Once we cleaned that out some we saw the scrape in the
roof of his mouth. I'm just sick thinking that we may do all we can
and lose him anyway. We just lost Simone two weeks ago, and that wound
is still fresh.

Does anyone has any ideas of something that we should be looking for?
My vet is wonderful, but not sure what could be causing the high
blood protein with everything else. Right now we are dealing with the
bleeding issue and waiting for the results of the test that could take
a few days to come back. Dexter is almost 7, but a very active and
except for the adrenal issues that we use Leuprolide for...a very
healthy almost 7.

Please, ideas anyone? 

Dexter's Mama Kim in Reno

[Posted in FML 6006]