I haven't been able to get online in a while, and this internet suk is
open for only another 30 min, so this will be quick.

1. We have found only one type of stomach coater here, and it is not
doing the job.

Can anyone suggest a way to make something ourselves?

2. We have been in touch w the local vet school again. After some
persuasion, they have agreed to do some blood and other chemistry
work for Rico and Jonas.

HOwever, they have run out of reagents. Next week might be a go though.

The big question is: How shall I try to direct them in their efforts?

They are not familiar w ferrets, of course, and not much into cats and
dogs. Their emphasis is on horses and donkeys.

What tests, versions of tests, etc. wd you recommend for the usual
symptoms of GI infection, including mushy tarry stool and teeth

I'll be asking abt the types of GI diseases carnivores are susceptible
to here. We hope that they'll come up w something other than what Dr D
has thought of.

It is possible that I will get a positive interaction going with
someone(s) at the vet school, and maybe they will be motivated to
talk with vets in other countries about ferrets.

3. My friends and I happen to have talked some ago about getting a
nanny goat, but where we live now, that is not practical.

4. I am fully aware that this is an inhospitable environment for

Only one of the remaining two, Rico, is sick, but of course I expect
that Jonas will also get sick.

And I expect that both of them will die -- just like the preceding
four -- if not from the GI illness like three of them, then from a
later complication like Lucy.

HOwever, I am not focusing on that now. Instead I am doing everything I
can. Rico is not getting worse. He still runs, dooks, and plays and he
eats constantly. Bites the dog when he gets a chance. Hasn't bitten me
in a very long time.

5. I emailed some people Sukie suggested, but no answers so far. Next
time I get online (this internet suk is about to close), I'll do
searches on Egypt/Israel ferret vets.

6. I wonder what else I have forgotten to do. Certainly I am under
enough stress that I could have missed some advice.

[Posted in FML 6005]