Last year was the very worst year of my life including worse than more
than a year at war in Viet Nam. Loosing my mother to cancer was the
tip of the iceberg but I also lost RePete among a father in law and a
friend of 40 years. Those were but a highlight of many other events
that were devastating and that bad luck streak has not let up any.

But today I came home from a very discouraging day and put my arm in
the ferret cage, these two little guys came right over and both began
licking (kissing) me over and over and over non stop.

These little guys don't have a clue of what is going on nor do
they care. They are totally innocent and devoid of capability of
understanding but just the same they demonstrate unconditional love
and appreciation to me. That simple act by those dumb animals lightened
my heart to bring a smile to a very worn person.

And to think they were to be put down by the SPCA for lack of anyone's
interest to have them! Am so very glad I did take them in, I was

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J. Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111

[Posted in FML 6002]