Fellow FML ers,
Fran has a great idea and we will also do a donation for every purchase
to help Travis & the Black Footed Ferret Recovery Program.

Did you know you can not only adopt a BFF but you can also add a KIT
kit for only $10.00 with each adoption? It is a package with some
goodies for children from what i understand, so we adopted 2 ferrets
and had our Grandchildren's names put on the certificates. What a great
way to get them involved in future preservation.

On to the LFFR bedding:
From June 15-thru August 15th  
We will donate 10 % of Proceeds directly to the BFF Program for every
$50.00 spent on our products and send a BLACK FOOTED FERRET in every
BOX from our Design team. What a great surprise to open your box and
see what a treasure you have received and Beautifully Handcrafted
bedding for your Fuzzies to enjoy for years to come.

Check us out and put us into your FAvorites NOW so you can monitor all
the new items we will be adding Every day!!

Bless you, Rose & the Gang of 29 @ LFFR 
Please be sure to read our about me page on our Ebay store site:

[Posted in FML 5998]