The Northern California Ferret Alliance or NCFA which is a ferret club
that has monthly meetings in Walnut Creek, CA has branched out to also
having monthly meetings in San Francisco. The meetings will be the
second Thursday of each month and held at the IHOP in San Francisco.
The exact locaiton info is: IHOP at 2299 Lombard St @ Pierce.

Currently there are 2 ferret clubs that meet in the bay area, yet the
bay area is so large that we still can't reach a lot of people. By
adding a meeting in San Francisco we hope to be able to reach more
people so that the ferret community can continue to grow. And maybe
one day ferrets will finally be legal in CA.

We are also having a garage sale at the end of June as our club raises
money to help ferrets in need. If you can come to the meeting and have
anything you would like to donate to the garage sale please bring it
with you. All donations are greatly appreciated.

For more information on the club please visit our website at or email me with questions.


[Posted in FML 5998]