Dear Lisa

My deepest sympathy at your los of Opera, She must have had a wonderful
life with you to reach the age of 10. I think that this might also be
what trigged the nasty remarks you received. Ferrets seldom reach more
than 7 anymore. So please feel very proud of the life you gave her,
she must have been a much loved and pampered ferret and there are not
many people who can say, my ferret was ten years old. Despite all the
operations and medicine given, I sometimes wonder if we are helping the
older ferret when we put them through weeks of pain and misery with
operations and medicines for just a few more years.

I also once decided not to have a ferret operated on for insilnomen. We
all need to take the circumstances into consideration. That does not
make me a bad ferret mom, just one that has the ferret's best interest
at heart. So remember your little Opera with love and know she loved
you too and you did the right thing for her, not for the ferret

Sincere regards

[Posted in FML 5995]