In the Jun 4 Ferret-L, BobC appealed:
>First, someone PLEASE send me a Scottish-English dictionary.

Here's a nice little tool on the web:    (phone-browser friendly version:

And if anyone doubts Bob's dilemna, just "keek" at the chat room rules:
"Mynd that this is a faimlie 'chat room' sae:
  1. Nae ill-tongued langage
  2. Aw dealins maun be duin in a mensefu an freendly mainer
  3. Nae deleeberate gittin fowk's birse up or uggsome flytin."

And just to make this post list-relevant, the Scots dictionary has two
translations for "ferret":

foumart ['fumErt]

whitrat [pronunciation deleted since it can't be translated to text]

prood mither o twa lichtsome foumarts, Bud an' Lilo.
murnin' Sam, Frankie, an' Missy.

[Posted in FML 5992]