I'm sure sad the ferret community has certain individuals that wish to
tear others endeavors and hard work apart with belitteling of words. I
personally have had a few minor problems or emails but nothing to write
home about. It takes action to do the work we do. Action equals love.
And for the most part what I see is a true love for FERRETS from the
individuals I have chosen to associate with. Unfortunately, in this
day and time there are people who would rather kick you when your down
than hold out a hand to help you up. But these were the words of an
individual not the words of a whole group of ferret lovers. And as far
as most ferret lovers are concerned Bob C's work is imperitive to our
fuzzies. Ferrets give us so much that most of us would & do put
ourselves in debt,in pain & ignore our health.

I've had people make statements to me about our shelter & this or that
not taken care of. Or your not a real shelter until you take in sick
ones. Unless you are here you really don't know what is going on. I've
heard things about others shelters just to visit and find out & see it
was nothing as stated. We would be much more effective together than
apart. As a ferret lover I love & take in all ferrets from the sickest
to the healthiest. It's hard to do the work we do and have others
constantly seeming to help when truly they are just prying to see if
your shelter is up to their standards.We have had some wonderful
individuals help us.

I guess my point is that we are all human and being human I don't care
for most people to well simply for this same reason that I've seen &
heard alot of beautiful people get hurt for the work they do. So many
well meaning people trying to do the best they can for ferrets or even
in the world in general just to be scrutinized & judged for their good
works. The human heart feels deeply yet we can't ever bring it to true
light for fear of what if. Our souls crave love,understanding & true
compassion maybe thats why we go to such great lenghts for our ferts
because in them we find all of these traits & much more.

[Posted in FML 5987]