Man I am sure sick of writing with gloomy news. So soon after losing
Charity we have now lost our little Roxy. This was so unexpected that
it has taken a few days for me to settle enough to write. This all
happened so fast. Roxy was brought to us from a school teacher in MO.
She came with two buddies, Anabel and Max. Max developed a bleeding
ulcer and we lost him a couple of years ago. I kind of figured that
Anabel being very advanced in age would be the next of the trio to
cross the bridge and had worried about who to place with Roxy because
she seemed to not like anyone but Anabel. My husband and I had pondered
this a lot as Anabel has hip problems and can't rip and play like Roxy
could. But last week our little sable ankle biter crossed the bridge
first. She had been her normal self one day it seems and sick the next.
We took her to the vet and found that she was in renal failure. The
vet tried many things to fix the problem but it was just not fixable.

I like to think that she crossed over and is with Max. I can't stand
anymore loses this year, we have had 4 since the first of the year. It
really stinks. I have put two of my older boys in with Anabel to keep
her company and she seems content with them.

Please watch for a slim sable colored spunky little girl at the bridge.
Her favorite thing in life was to chase me down the hall nipping at my
ankles, she never bite hard just kind of like playing tag. She is
sorely missed here.

Kim Trusty

[Posted in FML 5987]