My little bright spark, my little firecracker, my Pukka Luna passed
away this afternoon. I woke to find her lying on the floor of her cage,
still breathing shallowly but ice cold with her eyes fixed. Whether she
fell out of bed or couldn't climb in, I don't know. I picked her up and
cleaned her off (she had lost bowel control) and tried to warm her up,
first in a towel and then cuddled under my shirt. I thought about
calling the emergency clinic, but the idea of taking her to a strange
hospital at this point didn't sit well with me. I sat with her tiny
little cold form next to my skin until she passed. There was nothing
left of her, just skin and bones. Her poor little body wasn't doing her
any good, so she left it. I let Eddie see her body, and I think he knew
she had gone. He smelled her very carefully, but didn't try any of his
usual pouncing or nibbling. It smelled like Pukka, but she wasn't
there. He's never been an only ferret before, I worry that he'll be
lonely. I buried Pukka in the woods behind my old apartment, near Lola
and her beloved Sebastian. I think of her meeting him again, in her
prime, my beautiful little champagne sable, the Punk Rock Fuzz, and
being so happy. She was always such a little social butterfly, never
afraid of anything. Rest in peace, little girl. I love you so much.

Rachel and Eddie

[Posted in FML 5982]