Huggs to all. Special huggs to those who have lost babies.

My new boy BG (Big-Guy) about 1 yr. old is really acting very strange.
But it is really fun to watch.

I put a ramp from enclosed deck to inside house so they could be inside
when they want. Since I have a heat pump, temp inside is between 65 and
75 degrees.

BG is now dragging his sleepy sack around in circles, pulling it inside
out and sleeping either under it or beside it, and sometimes inside it.
And scratching and grooming alot more, I mean ALOT more. I am not sure
how to tell if its allergies to fabric softener or to the outside. Or
dry skin, they do get ferretone.

I have had them almost 2 months now, and still don't play with their
toys, they had 1 chewed up rubber toy when they arrived, I tossed it
as soon as I saw it and gave them 2 nice fleece toys.

I sure miss the Rainbow Bridge greetings.

Carol] Sir Lancelot, Princess Anna, Missy

Missing - Shiela, Shy-Girl, Tr, Me-Me, Blaze, Lady, Jr.,

[Posted in FML 5965]