::::Command Post to Tonks, Come in Tonks:::::

Tonks here Command Post ::::yawn::::: what's up?

Tonks its time to come home, there has been a, um, er a predicament,
no, a change in plans, umm, no just come home. Your mission has been

Aborted? ya mean like done, over, finished?

Yes Tonks, it's time for you to come home, if Issy is still there at
Kat's, bring her home too!.

But we like it here Dr. W. Aunty Kat gives good hug, and has the BEST
sleepy sacks to sleep in. Can't we stay a little longer?

Now Tonks, both of you home now!. You both have jobs and

Okay, Okay, we are on our way. We should be there soon.

Tonks Out
Dr. W. Out

[Posted in FML 5963]