(1) What Is Your:
(A) Name? Moose
(B) Sex? Hob
(C) Age? 3

(2) Do You Have A Favorite: (If Yes, What Or Who)
(A) Hooman? Yes, Momma
(B) Food? Ice cream if I'm naughty enough to come across it. I tend to
    like to attempt climbing into the bowl when Momma is trying to eat!
(C) Treat? Anything chicken! (Minus chicken itself, of course)
(D) Toy? My Marshall squeaky toy.
(E) Blanket? Momma's down comforter.
(F) Hammock? The black one with flames!
(G) Sleep Sack? The comfy red one with the wool inside.
(H) Bed? My hide-n-sleep fish.
(I) Pet? The dogs, it's fun to antagonize them. 
(J) Other? Nope!

(3) Do You Steal And/Or Stash Hooman: (If Yes, What)
(A) Clothing? Socks if I can find them.
(B) Food? You betcha. 
(C) Treats? Nope, I eat them first.
(D) Bank Card? Momma keeps this away from me!
(E) Check Book? See above.
(F) Money? I have a peculiar liking for pennies.
(G) Mail? Only Momma's Ferret Depot catalog and her Ferrets magazine!
(H) Remote Controls? Nope, Momma loses these before I can stash them.
(I) Keys? Sometimes, if they're nearby.
(J) Toys? Of course!
(K) Other? Nope.

(4) Where Do You:
(A) Poop? I'm a good boy...I go in my litter box! 
(B) Wee-Wee? See A.

(5) Do You Like To Bite Or Nibble: (If Yes, What And Who)
(A) Arms? Nope.
(B) Fingers? Only if they've got my squeaky toy.
(C) Hands? See B.
(D) Legs? Nope, these are good for climbing though.
(E) Toes? Yes! They taste nice.
(F) Feet? Yes, if they have socks on them.
(G) Shins? Nope.
(H) Noses? Never, but I do give Eskimo kisses!
(I) Ears? No, I'd get tangled in Mom's hair.
(J) Other? Nope.

[Posted in FML 5938]