Thank, Bill, for reposting my note about Lucy Gwin who needs people
to help her and her ferrets stay in her home now. Sorry about just
resending the same post sent several days ago. If anyone else wonders
about what Bill let me get away with that simple resend: I had glaucoma
surgery on my harder to control and more damaged eye on Tuesday so my
time on-line is very limited right now. Hey, at least the 150 laser
bursts were a wonderful Argon green and the surgery itself is not bad
at all. Now I put in steroids that are normally avoided with this for a
few days to reduce inflammation and then next month we see how well it
worked and then figure out when to do my better eye. Hmmm, that will be
my 3rd surgery in 5 months if it is deemed to be able to help me. Just
one of those years; there have been much bigger things so far in '08
for our family and friends... What I can't deal with -- even with the
monitor set low -- is much light right now (very uncomfrotable), and I
still have blurriness.

Thanks much, Julie, for letting all know that my surgery went well!

You folks don't want to know how many short peices this was written
in... LOL!

Anyway, please, please, please: try to help Lucy Gwin. See my post
from Thursday if you missed the details. She is handicapped and her
ferrets allow her to avoid seizures by warning her in advance but her
landlord -- who first let her sink a lot of her own money in making
accessibility improvements is now kicking her out.

Copies to print for your vets:

which has a history of having some vet articles each month and also has
three "ask vet" articles

Sorry about this being necessarily short. I need to be off-line mostly

There is an option to allow the articles to be printed out without
a lot of other stuff coming along. Love that! It is how I wound up
readingt htem.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 5932]