Hey Tammy,

What you are feeling is perfectly normal. Sometimes the universe puts
things in our way and we don't know why. It may just be the only way
you could open up to cry for your lost fuzzy and your lost employment.
Through a counselor, I found out that was true for me. I would cry over
something completely stupid, but it really had something to do with an
event I experienced before and hadn't allowed myself to deal with the
emotions that followed it. I will never forget...I lost Lucy #1 on the
way to the vet. I tried to rescue her, Lord knows I tried. I pulled
over, cried for a minute and continued on to work. My husband took her
home and buried her. It was all done when I got home from work. Later
that week I was cleaning the Ferret Nation cage. I bent down for
something, the top door swung back in. I stood up, and my back hit that
damn door so hard it came off the hinges. Major OWIE! And I started
crying, I mean really bawling. I couldn't stop. My husband came in, and
I was inconsolable. It wasn't about the hurt in my body, it was about
the hurt in my heart. And work wasn't going well. And I had been sick.
And I wasn't sleeping through the night. I hadn't let myself deal with
it all, so the universe, G-d, Creator, whatever you believe
in...stepped in and found a way to make me deal with it. I understand
the stopping to help the animal part. I did it the other night when I
saw a rabbit get hit. BUT, you need to put your safety and the safety
of people traveling with you first. Pull over to the side of the road,
hit the flashers, and when it is safe, then go try and help. Your heart
was in the right place, but saving that squirrel was just not to be.

Give yourself permission to deal with all the events of your life
recently. I recommend and equal amount of fuzzie and human hugs.
I'll get you started.

Jill and the Paws to the Wall Gang

[Posted in FML 5957]