Hello to all, and a huge thank you to those who have written thus far.

1. Bitter apple sprayed all over my shoes and pants did NOTHING to slow
Buffy down. She still grabbed onto my shoes and sunk her teeth in. Same
with my pants. She just does not stop. She fixates on me and will not
stop trying to sink her teeth into me. She is like the Terminator. It
does not matter where I go. She can now climb up onto the bed
tonight!!!!! ...my only safe haven is gone now.

2. I am switching to a small cage, and putting the shirt I wore today
in there.

3. HARNESS Question:

When I put the harness on her, she will tear my hands to pieces...even
with help. I will have to find a day I have a few days off to attempt
a harness on her.


I cannot take it on and off daily. She will nail me multiple times each
time I try to put it on and take it off. But couldn't she get caught on
something if I leave the harness on her all the time?

That she could still have an ovary, or that she could have brain damage
has not been ruled out. Boy, I sure hope not. When I see Animal Planet,
and see the animals that never had anything but pain, and now they have
to be euthenized, it just tears me up.

Please give a quick prayer that this little one does not need to be put
down due to brain damage and excessive aggression, and that she comes
to know some happiness in her short life. ?

She is totally deaf, and a Marshall Farms fert about a year old with
multiple homes. I can imagine if she bit people as she bites me what
they might have done to her.

[Posted in FML 5952]