Hello to all! The weather here is warm and sunny and makes me want to
call in sick. LOL

I have taken in a deaf white fert with purple eyes. She is non stop
aggressive. She draws blood. She shakes the skin she digs into and
leaves rather painful gashes on my body. She hurt the vet despite
warning him how bad she was. She bites through clothing and is
destroying the tips of my leather shoes.

She has had multiple homes I am told. I PAID for her at Petco. I went
to buy supplies, see if I could help trim nails, and to see if food and
water had been left out. The manager would not even pick this highly
aggressive animal up.

I wear leather shoes and winter gloves. She chases me...not in fun...
but to tear me apart.

I cannot hold her to my face to look at me. She lunges out of my grip
to rip off my face. Or at least she tries to. She is like a wild crazed
animal. She cannot hear my soothing tones. She is deaf.

She had ear mites. That is being treated. She has had her distemper
shot. We will give another in a few weeks for the mites and distemper.

We are going to try a Melatonin injection if she does not quite down
in a few weeks. Thank you very much...

Alicia of FerretWise... for your advice on that. 

And thank you to Zoo of Zoos Ferret Sanctuary for your emotional
support and for your ideas. I wish I had your secret ferret powers.
I scruff her and kiss her multiple times and whisper in her ear, and
gently stroke her. She tries to turn her head to attack me.

She is good at using the litter box. She is now free roaming in one
room during the day, and caged at night. I see her for an hour in the
morning and a few at night. I have had her 6 days. She leaps off couch
and bed to attack me. I just let her out of the room. She ran in here
and spent about 5 solid minutes trying to tear at me. I have never seen
any ferret THIS viscous.

She has had multiple homes and is about a year old. She gets along with
other ferrets. She jumped and chortled with happiness yesterday morning
with two of the other ferrets.

Wolfy...are you out there? Anyone have any ideas? Is there a good
chance that this is how she will always be? Do I scruff and breathe
up her nose each time she tries to bite me...which is non stop??

Thank you for your advice. She likes an occasional Bandit...but no
other treat.
Off to work

[Posted in FML 5951]