Bravo, Leanne, I couldn't have said it better myself.

I've been using Natural Gold for several years, in fact I was one of
the folks that tested the first run of it. The poops with that first
batch were pretty bad, so they tweaked the formula a bit and the poops
were greatly improved.

I mix NG with Evo, and my ferrets love the mix. In the years I've been
feeding NG, my now 6+ year old ferrets still act like kits. I've only
had a couple of cases of insulinoma in my ferrets that were already 3+
when I started the NG. So far, no new cases. My oldest ferret now is 8.
She is adrenal, but so far, knock on wood, no insulinoma. I also have
a 7 year old, again adrenal and no insulinoma. All of my ferrets have
soft, silky coats, and great muscle tone. And now have 3 whole prey
eaters, and hopefully the others will take to it as well.

I really notice a big difference in the shelter kids that come in on
Marshall's or other high carb foods. Flabby ferrets, terrible coats,
no energy. I put them on a mix of NG and EVO, and within two weeks I
notice a difference. Yes, their stools are softer and will have a
stronger odor for a few weeks while their systems adjust, but it's
something I'm willing to deal with since it means a healthier ferret.

Yep, I'll take loose poops and healthy ferrets over more formed poop
and insulinoma any day.

 Shelter Director-Ferret Waystation
 Distributor for Natural Gold Ferret Food

[Posted in FML 5950]