We just got an 8 month old little girl who was given up because she
was too nippy.

I'm pretty sure she is deaf as when she was sleeping, I clapped my
hands and snapped my fingers with no response from her. Then I gently
bumped her cage and she woke right up. She also has a blaze which is
pretty common in deaf ferrets.

We have only had her for one day and as expected she nervous and
scared. We're trying to give here time to get use to us and her new

Since she is still very young she is slightly nippy. I've had
experience with biting ferrets before and have be successful in
training them not to bite. The problem is the other ferrets I've
worked with were older ferrets.

My usual approach is to let them get use to being around me,
occasionally stroking their sides as they walk by. Lots of Love,
patients, and treats : ). We never ever strike or hit our fuzzies, we
only show them love, say a firm NO!, and if needed time out (2 min)
in an empty carrier.

If it's true that this little girl is deaf are there any other methods
to teach her not to nip?

I think when she nips she may be trying to play. She will grab your toe
or finger and quickly let go and back up a couple steps. (These quick
grabs may draw blood and she has only nipped us three times one of
which drew blood). Since she has only been with us, for one day, it's
hard to tell if this is play or fear. The previous owner gave her up
because of her nipping.

I'm pretty sure that Love, Patients, and maybe time outs will work but
I wondered if anyone else has faced a similar problem and how they
resolved the issue. I don't think it will be a big problem but it
never hurts to be prepared.

Thank you


[Posted in FML 5949]