I went to visit Helen Wojciechowski today at the hospital. She is
over her pneumonia but is still having trouble w/ the swelling and
thrush (sores in the mouth that make eating and drinking virtually
impossible). She got several calls while I was there but only talked
to her pastor, telling everyone else she'd call them back. I brought
her some chemo caps I'd made, a ferret book w/ lots of pictures (she's
so ferret hungry), and a cute stuffed ferret toy.

There was good news. Her color is good, her blood counts are good, and
they may release her next Friday! Needless to say she can't wait to
get back home to see her family and her ferrets. With the price of gas
her family hasn't been able to visit much and I know she's had few
visitors. She's gotten lots and lots of cards and I'd bet she'd like
more. I don't know her address at the hospital, but you can send them
to the shelter (the address will be below) and she's sure to get them.

The bad news. Since having to close the ferret shelter's doors to
incoming ferrets the donations have dried up. Shelters took the healthy
young ones in hopes of rehoming them. But Helen insisted the seniors
or the ill ferrets stay w/ her. So she's still got 32 ferrets in her
house. I think 4 are personal, but I'm not positive about that number.
Many of the seniors have special needs and have to have regular vet
care. I would like to ask if anyone could donate for food and litter
and vet bills. She has a link to paypal on her webpage but I don't
know if anyone is checking it right now. The link to the shelter is:


There is a link for donations via paypal, but you can do it the old
fashion way, too, through snail mail. I'm not sure what foods she
feeds, but I suspect any high quality foods would be appreciated.

Helping Hands Ferret Rescue
c/o Helen Wojciechowski
Rt. 4 Box 278
Newcastle, PA  16101

If anyone lives nearby and wants to drop in and help w/ shelter chores
I know her daughter, Sue, could use the help. Call first to make sure
someone is going to be home.


Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

Pat and the Furry Inspirations

[Posted in FML 5948]