I don't know about all of you, but I loved reading Ferrets Magazine.
When I heard they were going on line to a e-zine, I was really
disappointed. I couldn't see me going to read my favorite magazine
on line.

Today was the launching of the new site and I went to check it out. I
have to admit, I am impressed. It's much better than I ever imagined.
I can only think that it will even get better with time.

I liked making the avitar, going to Club Critter, and doing all the
fun things. I still have tons more to investigate.

I guess grandma was right when she told me to keep my mouth shut and
my mind open.

The web address is www.ferretsmagazine.com. Check it out, and come
visit Super Tonks is his park.

Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 5930]