Hwello ebberybuddy! We'z combined our anzwerz causa da Momma sez it
would be too long to try and answer dis 3 times so here we goez!

(1) What Is Your:
(A) Name? We have 3 names. Artemus, Zeus, and MoJoMan
(B) Sex? Boys
(C) Age? 6, 4.5ish and 2

(2) Do You Have A Favorite: A favorite? A favorite what? Da Momma getz
    all da kissez dough! Daddy's too "scratchy" causa bis moustache and
    beard - so he don't get no kissez from us!
(B) Food? Anything edible. Specially if it is on da Momma's plate
(C) Treat? Peanut Butter Bandits! A must in our hidey holes!
(D) Toy? We don't like our toys. We like our tunnels, and we like the
    insoles of any hooman shoes we can stick our furry little noses
    into! den we eatzes all da kitty's toys. Dey don't need em no ways!
    Den sometimes, we hide da Aero's toys!
(E) Blanket? Only if it is Da Momma's
(F) Hammock? Da old one with da holes in it. We gotzes 4 of em, but all
    sweep in one, on topof each udder!
(G) Sleep Sack? Only if it is plastic and from Walmart! Dis is
    specially good wen da momma fergits der's treats in da bag!
(H) Bed? We're grounded from da bedrooms. All we was doin, was splorin'
    the inside of the mattess and box spring! She didn't have ta ground
    us from the bedroom! We was just makin sure it was safe for da
    momma!. And besides there was waaaayyyy too much stuffing in it
    to begin wif! We's can't unnerstan why she gotted so mad at us.....
(I) Pet? Da cats are kinda interesting and sniffable, and nice when dey
    don't take a whack at us fer sniffin der bottems, and Aero's???
    Mythe, da doggie is fun to chew on too!
(J) Other? Did I mention I love my Mommy? And my Daddy? Cept da Momma
     is a bigger sucker den daddy, so we'ze always nicer to her!

(3) Do You Steal And/Or Stash:? Us? Steal? No way! Da Momma sez dat's
    bad ta do. Well, I guess we might "borrow" a widdle. But only our
    treats! Da peanut budder is too hard to wezist.
(A) Clothing? Shoes, slippers, our hooman brudder's flannel shirts are
    nice and furry too!
(B) Food? MoJoMan: broccoli and cheeze! I stole some from da Momm'as
    plate da udder day when she wazn't wookin....
    Artemus: Duh, uhm, yesh!? I only wike furret food dough...
    Zeus: Caviar? Did someone say Caviar?...
(D) Bank Card? UhUH! No Way!! Last time we's twied dat, we got into
    biiiiig twubble!!!
(E) Check Book? Yesh! We all decided it tasted weaalllly good!
(F) Money? Da funny circle shapededed shiny tings are cool!!
(G) Mail? Yesh, we dispose of all da momma's bills fer her! She gets
    too upsetted over em, so we all eatz em.
(H) Remote Controls? We be da good boyses. We don't touches em.
(I) Keys? No, we got in twubble last time we twied to steal da car....

(4) Where Do You:
(A) Poop? Wherever we wants to. Da Momma putted out cute little puppy
    pads fer us iffen we can't make it to the litter box, that we
    don't use anyways.
(B) Wee-Wee? See Answer A.

(5) Do You Like To Bite Or Nibble: Only our food!
(A) Arms? They'z good fer carrying us around, so no bitey der!
(B) Fingers? Dey taste good wif catsup!
(C) Hands? Nebber! Dey's needed to carry us around!
(D) Legs? Are super fun to crawl up, specially wen dey's in jeans!
(E) Toes? Taste good with soap and water in da shower!
(F) Feet? See anser E
(G) Shins? nope
(H) Noses? Is made fer our kisses!
(I) Ears?? We like to clean da Momma's!


Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what
I want.....

Kim and her Army of Idiots: Artemus, Zeusasaurus, and Da MoJoMan
(missing Ricky and Helena)

[Posted in FML 5943]