On Thursday Nancy Sevier posted about our financial problem. I was
embarrest to post this myself as we have AWAYS been able to solve our
own problems. As I explained to Nancy and members of one group I'm on,
this is the FIRST time in my life that I've actually needed to ask for
help. I ask/Nancy offered to post for me as she was just here in March
for the LOSN Show and saw first hand how I run my rescue and take care
of the ferrets in our care during her 4 day stay at my house.

We need to raise a TOTAL of $5000 and as to date we have raised about
$700 in money donations. I'm keeping a list of WHO sent in WHAT amount
so I will be able to send out personal THANK YOU notes. We still need
to raise about another $4300 for our Legal Fees. SO to help us out and
make it fun for everyone I have created a "Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue
Raffle" website. I'm still working on it and have already sent out
e-mails to people in hopes that they will donate a couple of their
Cottage Products to our raffle to help us raise the rest or at least
part of the money we need for our legal fight. SO far I have gotten
donations comitments from Rose German, Laura Holand, Fran Brown,
Creations by Angie, Eleanor Mead and Nancy (THANK YOU ladies!). I
hope to get more responces back soon.

Although the raffle is not ready to begin, you can still take a look at
the raffle site by going to:
tand take a look at he items I have so far to be raffed off. Tickets
will be 1 for $2 and 3 for $5. 

I'm still trying to figure out how to link my raffle site to my PayPal
account so the raffle won't start for a week or so. As soon as I get
everything figured out, I'll let everyone know when they can start
purchasing raffle tickets.

Everyone needs to understand that this fight we are in is NOT just to
save MY rescue. It is to help save other rescues in NJ and in other
states that may come up against the same sittuation as us in heir

Thank you everyone for listening and to the people who have opened
their hearts and wallets to help us in our legal fight.

Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5940]